Proton  1.1.1
Make porting easy from Python to C++11
#include <proton/base.hpp>
#include <proton/ref.hpp>
#include <proton/string.hpp>
using namespace std;
using namespace proton;
/** define a function interface type.
typedef unsigned int (_str2int)(const char*);
/** define a functor type.
typedef func_<_str2int> str2int;
/** You can use function interface types to define fp_ types.
typedef fp_<_str2int> str2int_fp;
/** an function object type inheriting the interface.
struct _f1: fo_<_str2int>{
unsigned int operator()(const char* s)
return string(s).size();
typedef ref_<_f1> str2int_fo;
/** an object type with a candidate member function.
struct _t1{
/** the candidate member function.
unsigned int f(const char* s)
return strlen(s);
typedef ref_<_t1> t1;
typedef fm_<t1, _str2int> str2int_fm;
int main()
cout << ">>> functor examples :" << endl;
/// the interface variable.
str2int a;
/// generate a functor using the function object type.
str2int_fo b(alloc);
cout << "fo is " << a("abc") << endl;
PROTON_THROW_IF(a("abc")!=3, "err");
/// generate a functor using a library function.
str2int_fp c(strlen);
cout << "strlen through fp is " << a("abc") << endl;
PROTON_THROW_IF(a("abc")!=3, "err");
/// generate a functor using a lambda function.
str2int_fp d([](const char* s){return strlen(s);});
cout << "lambda through fp is " << a("abc") << endl;
PROTON_THROW_IF(a("abc")!=3, "err");
/// generate a functor using a ref_ class member function.
t1 x;
str2int_fm e(x, &_t1::f);
cout << "member function through fm is " << a("abc") << endl;
PROTON_THROW_IF(a("abc")!=3, "err");
return 0;